Wednesday, September 30, 2009

WaiTinG fOr thE rEply

I wait

and wait

and wait

When r u going to reply me?

My Patient can't take control anymoRe

Don't message me if u don't think u gonna reply mE please

Do u thiNK thIS is A gaME??

Don't PlaY arounD with all this pLease

I'm not like the Other GirLs that U r flirtinG wiTh
I dream of u when i was taking a nap just now

i Saw your reply asking me what time i will be free this weekend

but too bad it was just a dream...

the fact is...

u didn't reply me at all

I check my phone every minute

What a great dissapointment anD yet there is still no message from YOU

PLease don't message me if u don't want to reply me!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

EveRytHiNg hAPPens For a rEason```

I'm already very depressed this few days...
I felt worst thAn before...
she is going to SEGI
WHY WHY WHY?????? I ask her this just now in her office..
she smile and replied "I got a better offered there but u wil be fine, u will get a different lecturer to teach from HUC" Don't worry Precillia u will do fine here. I know u can"..
actually I feel like telling her
"U never no how sad i am when u said that and I know I'm not fine at all"
However, I REspect your decision
And I shall Like to dedicate tHis
MEssaGE SpEciallY fOr Miss SHoba:
I start loving psychology because the way u taught us
I feel good with you because
your teaching makes me see
the whole perspective better
and I enjoyed very much for each lesson u teach
the way u convey the meaning with a clear explainations
the way u apply the terms to our everyday life and make it so interesting that you caught my attention for continuous loving this subject
AS a role model, u inspire me
u sparked the creativity of psychology in my life
tO dream and to woRk and to Reach
u are incredibly nice caring teacher
NO word so can truly tell how great you are
But as a teacher, you are numbEr ONE!! :)~~~~
I still feel really upsad
I don't know what else to say to make myself feel any better..
I started to see things in the other way round now..
maybe the pain in my heart is just too real..
and is too much that time cannot erase :(

Sunday, September 27, 2009


iS my dad's B'day toDay but we didn't do anYthiNG mucH to celebrate iT..
Just A normaL dinneR with My faMily memBer$

My dAd quote aboUt his birthday
" everydaY is yOur b'day, we Can go to anY gooD restauraNt and Have all tHe Delicious fooDs U want But the moSt impoRtant thing is yOur HEalth FaMily and MONEY (of coursE) and I'm NOT fancy abOut anY B'daY celebratioN aNd is just A worthLessneSS eveNt to Me"
haha swt =="..

mayBe he's right.....
what's the poiNt FOR HIM??
I feel sorrY for him I understand what he is trying to say
if my mom is here now then i think she will have done something about it..
something special for his b'day cos i knOw he will be happier..
3 of us, havinG a warm family dinner on this special daY....

But anyway...
I will not want to expect something that will never happen anymore..
Is not gonna change anythinG
aNd my qUote for todaY is.......
"JUst move on
aNd Leave the pASt, LeT the New onE BeGinS
and make it worth to be remember in the futUre
LaStly, A VerY HAPPY BiRthdAy to my beloVed FatHEr"
Me and MoMmy wiLL always Love YOu~~

Saturday, September 26, 2009

WhEre Got gHost???????

I just Watch this movie with TERESSA At aeon...
3 different story with 3 different moral values in every story..
Is quite scary for me..
I scream a little at the cinema which gave teressa a shocked..
she was quite relaxing watching that movie at 1st but after i scream she was like "shocked"..
poor thing..
and that show is quite funny xD..
BUt anyway..
i found out something about myself today
I change alot..
really alot...
and understand certain thing better...
u guys surely don't get it what i understand and at which part i change
but is only me will KNOW.. :)
tHAt teressa said i change alot physically
haha..swt la her!!
anyway, i'm happy that she teman me go watch this show todaY..
I last minute ask her go out..haha..
2 hours before the show start i ask her go out and about 20 minutes before the show start we buy the ticket..haha
swt for both of us =="..
after that we went and eat at KIM GARY..
we both ordered the same dish which got UNAGI this time!!hehe..
Btw, i suppose to go my uncle place(KL) today but i gave some excusses that i couldn't go...
i feel bad actually..
but i really dun want to go..
I don't have the mood to go :( :(
buT ANYhow i enjoy my day todaY :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

I dOn't beLieve YoU-- ---PinK

i LOVE thIS sonG alot
which is Now playing in my "mixpod"
The Music is wOnderfuL
The lyricS AttracTeD Me~~
SomeHow i feeL saD wheN i liSteN to this song as i go thru the lyrics
so sad :(
``BuT whY itZit So?``
I been hearIng it for many timEs till I actually sinG it alonG
and nevEr get boREd

FinaLLLLL DEstiNatiOn At 1UtamA!!

HAng out with sookie at 1 utama on tUesdaY

we go watch FinaL destination 3D and is only two of us went and watch!! SWT=="..

cAUse the rest are busy, yue wei ad watch the shoW and joyen is afraid to watch it and weijing is at China..haiz.. sad betul!!

everyone are SO not available..

aNd abOUt that show it wasn't that scARY or that good..

and it last around one and half hour!! stupid LAr.. so fast jiU fInish Liao..

and all die in the end..

aFter finisH watching we went shop shop for baju..

Finally, we went and eat japanese food( which i don't remember what's the name of that restaurant)

aNd i'm not happy about it at 1st cos they GOT NO UNAGI!!!
whaT thE*%$#%#&!!!!!!!!

HOW can A janpanese restaurant doesn't have UNAGI which is my favourite eelssssss!!! AhdUi arrrrr...

I was so dissapointed when the waiteress told me they got no UNagi..

then I straight ask sookie to go to a different jap restaurant to eat which got unagi ONE but she said "DUN LikE thaT la" cos the waiteress already served our drinks !! sad niaaaaaa...

In the end we just eat there..

but anyway i ordered other kind of food which taste not bad as well...

and we ordered BACON tOO..hehe!! our favourite dishes!!

after dInneR we went home loooo...

And I really wanted to watch the singaporean movie !!

haizzz... but i cannot find any teman yet...

ANywaY, that's my day In 1U~~

And sookie, I hoPe We can hang out mORe ofteNN cos I eNjoy going out with YOU!!!


Sunday, September 20, 2009


Is so pain!!!
very very pain..
maybe 1 pill is not enough i need another one..
i need help...
please stop the pain..
i feel like dying now......
i forgot to mention
is period pain actually~

YuP.. I'm readY to bloGGGGG!!

After so Long i didN't bloG
I really don't know what i shoUld wRite ....
A LOT of thinGs happen
I doN't knOw hoW to start..
and some are really private..haha
so i'm not gonna write it now 1st

I'm having my psycho mid-term this friday..
is alot to study...
memorize memorize and memorize..
BUt i'm noT gonna think that for now..
This tuesday I'm going to sunway Piramid watcH movie with sook ann them
she might be BringiNg a Guy Friend..
I should bRing minE too.
But is A GirL
aNyoNe waNts to JoiN????
U r moSt weLcome..
Thats all for toDAY!!