Friday, September 25, 2009

FinaLLLLL DEstiNatiOn At 1UtamA!!

HAng out with sookie at 1 utama on tUesdaY

we go watch FinaL destination 3D and is only two of us went and watch!! SWT=="..

cAUse the rest are busy, yue wei ad watch the shoW and joyen is afraid to watch it and weijing is at China..haiz.. sad betul!!

everyone are SO not available..

aNd abOUt that show it wasn't that scARY or that good..

and it last around one and half hour!! stupid LAr.. so fast jiU fInish Liao..

and all die in the end..

aFter finisH watching we went shop shop for baju..

Finally, we went and eat japanese food( which i don't remember what's the name of that restaurant)

aNd i'm not happy about it at 1st cos they GOT NO UNAGI!!!
whaT thE*%$#%#&!!!!!!!!

HOW can A janpanese restaurant doesn't have UNAGI which is my favourite eelssssss!!! AhdUi arrrrr...

I was so dissapointed when the waiteress told me they got no UNagi..

then I straight ask sookie to go to a different jap restaurant to eat which got unagi ONE but she said "DUN LikE thaT la" cos the waiteress already served our drinks !! sad niaaaaaa...

In the end we just eat there..

but anyway i ordered other kind of food which taste not bad as well...

and we ordered BACON tOO..hehe!! our favourite dishes!!

after dInneR we went home loooo...

And I really wanted to watch the singaporean movie !!

haizzz... but i cannot find any teman yet...

ANywaY, that's my day In 1U~~

And sookie, I hoPe We can hang out mORe ofteNN cos I eNjoy going out with YOU!!!


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