Sunday, September 27, 2009


iS my dad's B'day toDay but we didn't do anYthiNG mucH to celebrate iT..
Just A normaL dinneR with My faMily memBer$

My dAd quote aboUt his birthday
" everydaY is yOur b'day, we Can go to anY gooD restauraNt and Have all tHe Delicious fooDs U want But the moSt impoRtant thing is yOur HEalth FaMily and MONEY (of coursE) and I'm NOT fancy abOut anY B'daY celebratioN aNd is just A worthLessneSS eveNt to Me"
haha swt =="..

mayBe he's right.....
what's the poiNt FOR HIM??
I feel sorrY for him I understand what he is trying to say
if my mom is here now then i think she will have done something about it..
something special for his b'day cos i knOw he will be happier..
3 of us, havinG a warm family dinner on this special daY....

But anyway...
I will not want to expect something that will never happen anymore..
Is not gonna change anythinG
aNd my qUote for todaY is.......
"JUst move on
aNd Leave the pASt, LeT the New onE BeGinS
and make it worth to be remember in the futUre
LaStly, A VerY HAPPY BiRthdAy to my beloVed FatHEr"
Me and MoMmy wiLL always Love YOu~~

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