wheN i try To be optimistiC
pretend to be myself in the way that I used to be
And I distracT myself from all the memories
maYbe i wiLL bUry aLL the Pain awaY
SOmetiMEs DruGS Are nOt the maiN KEy of aLL these miserY
Perhaps tHis is whaT i thiNk now
Might wILL not know what i caN thiNk off for the next Minutes
HoweVer foR Now, I juSt want to staY awaY from aLL the Memories
I need to recOver
I will make myself as bUsy as I couLd
Is painfuL though......
But if I don't do it
I'm killing mYself insidE so miserably
caUSe deeP Inside I'm stiLL holdinG on
But nOW my heart is telliNg me to Give Up
I beLIeve that
"giviNG uP doesn't meaN you're weaK,
sometimes it means that YOu are strong enough to Let go"
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